
Showing posts from July, 2024

Santo Domingo

                        Here are portraits of two beautiful models I met at Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. This was a spontaneous shoot. Love DR and its people. Images captured with my Leica M240, Aspherical Summicron.   

HDR Photography

    HDR photography, HDR stands for high dynamic range.   The human eye has an incredible ability to adapt and see different intensities of light than the camera sensor.      Sometimes  we photograph scenes where there are areas that are beyond the capable range of the camera. A good example of this would be the inside of a church. You photograph the inside of the church, and the interior is properly exposed, but the windows where the sunlight is coming in is completely blown out (white and without detail).   This makes your photograph look unappealing.     An HDR image can correct this, making your photograph look natural as you probably saw it the moment you took the it.     How do we create an HDR? First and foremost you need a tripod. The camera must be perfectly still. A strong tripod and head will yield better results.   The camera must be set to auto-bracketing, (bracketing can also be done manually). I like to set it to plus and minus 2 stops along with the correct exp

Smokey Mountains

This article will be about neutral density filters. Several of my friends have asked me to talk about neutral density filters. You should look at neutral density filters as sunglasses for your camera lens. Neutral density filters simply cuts for the light reaching the sensor or film in the camera. Neutral density filters come in different powers. You need to evaluate the scene, in order to choose the right one for the job. Neutral density filters are usually used up for landscape photography. They are used in situations where you want to use a long shutter speed to blur movement. Below I have examples of a two stop neutral density filter, that I used to smooth out the water in the river.   Great smoky mountain national park  There are other situations where you might want to use a more powerful filter. Following are examples of photographs that I have take using a ten stop neutral density filter.