After a long time I am back on the blog. Between then and now, I have bought new equipment. I am still shooting with Sony, but bought two Leicas and can not put them down. These days I have confined my shooting to landscape and long exposure photography. As time goes by, I find myself shooting and studying photography more and more. An interest in film has reawaken, and after many years I find myself shooting 120 film like in the old days. This time I am shooting with a 1961 Rolleiflex. Along the way, I shot with many incredible cameras. I shot 35mm than graduated to medium format. Years later came digital, and have been shooting digital until now. Two years ago I started reading about Leica cameras. Their history, and lots of famous photographers who shot iconic photographs with them. I purchase an M9 digital (CCD) sensor, and immediately I was hooked. For many years I shot Canon, and had several bodies and numerous lenses. After shooting with the Leica, I...