The NEX 7 Mirror-less Camera a whole new photographic concept

After a long time, I am back on the blog! Just want to talk about the new camera trend "THE MIRROR- LESS CAMERA". These new cameras are stirring the photographic market. Every major camera manufacturer is coming out with at least one in their camera line-up. After so many years of using SLRs, this is a welcome change. For a while I was undecided whether to invest in one or not. After some research on the net, I decided to take the plunge. I waited until the technology was somewhat perfected and bought my first mirror-less. I bought the Sony NEX-7. This particular tiny machine is marvelous. It is compact, fully featured, and sports a 24 megapixel APS-C sensor. When I first used the Nex 7, I was blown away by its' image quality. The quality is compatible to that of any APS-C sensor SLR. It took a week or so to become accustomed to the Sony menus. Once learned, i...